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URBATIS selected by EU-Funded “AI4Cities” project

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URBATIS selected by EU-Funded “AI4Cities” project for the design of next generation Mobility Digital Twin

Together with AI expert Insight-Signal, URBATIS is involved in Phase 1 of AI4Cities, an EU-funded Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) project, aiming at helping cities accelerate their transition towards carbon neutrality.

AI4Cities European Consortium is composed of six buying cities, including lead procurer Forum Virium Helsinki (representing the city of Helsinki), Cap Digital (representing Paris Region), the city of Amsterdam, the city of Copenhagen, the city of Stavanger and the city of Tallinn. These six cities and regions have developed ambitious strategies and policy plans to become carbon neutral by – at latest – 2050. 

AI4Cities is supported by expert partner ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, to procure non-market ready solutions using artificial intelligence and enabling technologies – such as big data applications, 5G, edge computing and IoT.

Their choice to focus on energy and mobility-related challenges is informed by the fact that these two domains are responsible for 82% of GHG emissions in Europe’s cities.

The proposed solution will enable city stakeholders to better value new projects’ CO2 reduction impact, to increase their scaling potential, and more generally to provide cities with a holistic and dynamic view of how their projects contribute to carbon neutrality goals.

Progress can be followed on the

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