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Under the Finance for Impact banner, we contributed to a study on social sustainability proofing of investment & financing operations for the InvestEU programme 2021-2027.

The study commissioned by the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, consisted in performing a benchmark of existing E&S screening methods in use globally, and design a fit-for-purpose scorecard for social performance measurement.

The work factored in the expected joining of National Promotional Banks to InvestEU, together with the EIB Group. The proofing process was therefore designed as a framework to encompass the variety of E&S screening practices across Europe.

Our Work

We performed case study reviews, analyzed scoring methods, and proposed a scorecard highlighting project promoters’ social performance. Guidance included recommendations on the entire process, information requested from projects, taking into account InvestEU’s threshold requirements and the different types of financing (e.g. direct vs. intermediated).

For more details, see our report :

Our Expertise


Tools & Methods